Το νέο της επιστροφής του Oliver Lang στους Dynasty έχει κάνει τον γύρο του κόσμου αρκετές φορές. O παίκτης τοποθετήθηκε για την επιστροφή του με επίσημη ανακοίνωση (την παραθέτουμε στα αγγλικά)
I look forward to the new roads that lie ahead. I am back to revitalize Dynasty, back to my roots back to my friends. It’s time to work even harder than ever, and older we get, the harder it’s going to be since it doesn’t come as naturally as it did when we were younger. We are all in agreement with this and truly believe the best is yet to come.
After probably one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my entire life, I have chosen to rejoin my childhood friends on Dynasty.
Ever since I was 14 years old my dream was to play professional paintball. I wanted to compete with the best, be the best and be compensated the best. I dreamed of our sport being equal to football, basketball and baseball. Although we have not reached that level yet, I still have faith that one day we will-maybe not in my time-but with the proper people involved and support of everyone, we can make this a reality.
I was asked to join the Ironmen and represent Dye in 2006, it was a task that had never been done and a contract that had never been signed before in our industry.
I wanted to be the first to do it and live up to the title people had given me as the “Best paintball player In the the world”. I wanted a new challenge and I took it gladly.
Now five years later I have accomplished my goal of being a professional paintball player and being compensated at the highest level. I brought a team back to its legendary status, along the way winning back-to-back championships. I represented a great brand in our industry to my fullest potential, and enjoyed every second of it. Dye has really been a family to me, on the business side, professionally and the family side. I will forever hold them in a part of my heart.

Look out for a new younger and improved Dynasty, and a kick start to a new paintball industry.
Whether you’re an Ironmen fan or a Dynasty one, I hope you’re still an Ollie Lang fan because I will continue my devotion to the growth of this sport.
Everyone get back out there and start playing. I’ll meet you on the paintball fields.